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圣玛利诺 (San Marino)
圣玛利诺 (San Marino) 是美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县的一个城市。2000年人口12,945人,其中亚裔人口占40%。圣玛利诺在1913年建市。市议会五名议员中现有两位华人——市长林元清(Matthew Lin)和刚在2007年当选的孙渝今(Eugene Sun)。


Grades: KG-12
Total Student: 3242
High School: 1
Middle School: 1
Elementary School: 2
2008 Rank in California: 3

Schools in San Marino Unified:

School Name: Carver Elementary
Level: 小学 (Elementary)
Grades: KG-5
Total Student: 639
Student/Teacher Ratio: 18.8
2008 CST combined rank in California: 70

School Name: Valentine Elementary
Level: 小学 (Elementary)
Grades: KG-5
Total Student: 688
Student/Teacher Ratio: 18.1
2008 CST combined rank in California: 120

School Name: Huntington Middle
Level: 初中 (Middle)
Grades: 6-8
Total Student: 767
Student/Teacher Ratio: 21.9
2008 CST combined rank in California: 2

School Name: San Marino High
Level: 高中 (High)
Grades: 9-12
Total Student: 1148
Student/Teacher Ratio: 21.5
2008 CST combined rank in California: 7


General Stats:

Total Population: 12945
Male:6240 (48%)
Female:6705 (51%)


18+ years old male: 4486
18+ years old female:5034
65+ years old male: 960
65+ years old female:1139


25+ years old total:8737
25+ years old less than 9th grade: 180 (2%)
25+ years old 12th grade w/ no degree:219 (2%)
25+ years old with HS degree: 548 (6%)
25+ years old with some college:1150 (13%)
25+ years old with associated degree: 553 (6%)
25+ years old with bachelor degree:3207 (36%)


Median household income: 117267
Median family income:125708
Per capital income:59150

Married Status:

15+ years old total: 10241
15+ years old never married: 2136 (20%)
15+ years old married but separated: 7043 (68%)
15+ years old seperated: 97 (0%)
15+ years old widowed: 510 (4%)
15+ years old divorced: 455 (4%)


Total family households: 3674
Total non-family households:592
Avg household size:3.03
Avg family size:3.29


Total housing units: 4437
Total occupied housing units:4266
Total vacant housing units: 171
Owner occupied housing units:3909
Renter occupied housing units: 357
Median rooms in housing units:7.3
Median home value of owner occupied units:690800


16+ years old total:10002
16+ in labor force: 5500 (54%)
16+ not in labor force: 4502 (45%)
16+ workers: 5190 (51%)
16+ workers that commute alone: 4229 (42%)
16+ workers that carpools: 501 (5%)
16+ workers that use public trans: 18 (0%)
16+ workers that walk to work: 43 (0%)
16+ workers other means to work: 68 (0%)
16+ work at home: 331 (3%)
16+ mean travel time to work: 26.7 mins


Total white: 6177
Total black/african american: 33
Total american indian natives: 6
Total asian: 6286
Total native hawaii/pacific islanders: 10
Other races: 135
Total two plus race: 298
Total hispanic or latino: 571
Total white along not hispanic or latino: 5771



加州洛杉矶县,富裕而保守的小城市。2009年在福布斯杂志中的消费水平最高城市排名中位于第79位。2000年全美人口普查时,该市人口为12945人,超过40% 是亚裔人口,其中又以华人占绝大多数. 美国铁路大王亨利 杭廷顿以及二战时期美国着名陆军上将乔治巴顿的家族共同建立了圣马力诺。


0.15% 为非裔人口,38.4%为亚裔人,1.04%为其他种族,2.3%为混血儿,7.17%为西班牙裔或拉丁裔。

据估计, 在2008年圣马力诺每个家庭每年的中位数收入为$154,263和人均每年收入为$79,089. 同年的房价中位数为$1,795,613。

在1903年美国铁路大王 亨利亨廷顿购买了圣马力诺牧场,并且建立了同名的社区。其中他的一部份的庄园对公众开放,包括亨廷顿图书馆,艺术收藏馆和植物园。在1913年4月25日圣马力诺市正式成立。
圣马力诺位于加州的南部,终年气候宜人。在受海洋气候影响的同时又受到位于东北部的高山影响,所以有各种不同类型的天气,但是不论温度还是湿度都是终年舒适宜人。如同其它的太平洋沿海地区, 85%降雨量是集中在冬季的11月至3月。夏季特别干燥,阳光充裕。更有凉爽的微风伴随着你的春季、夏季和初秋。



依据居住位置,每户都有自己所属的公立学校,以下为圣马力诺市所包括的公立小学,初中和高中( 注: API表示学术表现指数,就是将学生的整体成绩作为评价学校的整体水平。 API是在200-1000分之间。 Rating 最高分数是10分)
